Water Science

Edition of 6 ~ 27×18 inches


  • From a limited edition of 6 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 27×18 inches/69×46 cm
  • Paper: 29×20 inches/74×51 cm


Collectable nude photography

This is collectable nude photography depicting a solitary figure pulling herself out of a swimming pool. The affordable size is a good balance making it a cost-effective centerpiece, making it ideal as collectable nude photography.

Although a mostly static piece, there is a kinetic component to the image: water streams down her body, dripping onto the pavement. This splash of water on the pool deck glistens with reflected light. Her torso is outlined with light on one side and shadow on the other. Her cast shadow extends out of the frame, telling us this is the end of the day. This is the last remainder of warm sunlight and this swimmer’s final chance to enjoy the natural heat while in the swimming pool. In these ways, the image comments on her immediate past, as well as earlier in the day. We are left to ponder what she chooses to do next.

She is a stunning pinup figure, turned sideways to the viewer, her torso and face both in profile. Her facial features, as well as her curves, snake through the vertical composition. These features contribute to the appeal of this collectable nude photography.

Fine details are expressed, from the clumped strands of hair to the droplets and streams of water. Texture is apparent on her hip, as well as her face. A hint of light grazes the top of each of her lips. Eyelashes are distinct. And her ear is rendered in equal components of light and shade.

Steps are visible under the water, at the far edge of the pool. The textures and patterns form in the water from the combination of the light, surfaces, reflections, and shadows. The lines of pavement, emphasizing perspective, add structure to this collectable nude photography

The top corners of this art photograph feature additional specifics. A palm frond at the upper left sets a tropical mood. The leaves radiate from the top to fill this space. Polished river stones, lining the walkway, interrupt the pattern of concrete with interesting visual variations. This detail is barely visible on the periphery, but  nonetheless transform the frame of mind.

Collectable poolside photography

If you’re interested in collectable nude photography along a poolside theme but in a much larger size, check out this art photography of two women. Or you may be interested in a pin-up nude on an automobile for a completely different direction.

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