Andromeda 3/6

Edition of 6 ~ 20×30 inches


  • From a limited edition of 6 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 20×30 inches/51×76 cm
  • Paper: 22×32 inches/56×81 cm


Collectors of artistic female nudes may appreciate this colorful nude art depicting a figure receeding into dazzling turquoise ripples. A mosaic of reflections and shadows adorns her body. Her hands reveal motion: water splashes off her fingertips. A mane of black hair frames her face on one side. Her chin is rimmed in heavy shadow.

Only her face and part of an arm are above the surface. The rest of her descends into the shimmering blue-green water. Her body casts a hazy shadow on the pool floor beneath her. Her face appears calm, eyes closed, lips parted, jaw relaxed. Her teeth are barely visible. Her arms extend above her head in a flamboyant “V” shape. Her legs are straight, pointed toes barely discernible in the depth. Her feet seem anchored where the meet her shadow on the pool floor.

Refraction, reflection, and shadow serve to obscure particulars. Her torso, hips, thighs and knees can be identified, despite the lack of detail. In places, the turquoise breaches the distorted outline of her body.

Around each edge are ripples, bubbles, and the impact of sparse drops of rain. The pattern of reflection near her head and feet resemble tie-dyed cloth. Other areas of the liquid churn with movement. Still other portions are smooth and undisturbed.

A nude woman bathing in a swimming pool suggests luxury, leisure, and joy. The extent of these elements in unclear. They may be a lifestyle, or just her refuge for the moment. In your most hurried seasons, this image may provide momentary respite, a reminder that life can be enjoyed.

The overall composition of this colorful nude art is serene. There are few abrupt transitions in tone or color. The most stark contrast is between her hair and face. Each other pattern or color transitions smoothly into an adjacent one. The nude woman inhabits the water with minimal splashing or turbulence.


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