Summer Afterglow

Edition of 10 ~ 30×20 inches


  • From a limited edition of 10 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 30×20 inches/76×51 cm
  • Paper: 32×22 inches/81×56 cm


Scenic art nude

This scenic art nude is alive with vibrant colors and a commanding protagonist at its center.  A woman stands in an open field of golden foliage. Surrounded by an abundance of life, she looks directly at the viewer. Her head is turned slightly away, with her eyes directed at the viewer. This gesture communicates that whether or not this is a private moment, she is deliberately acknowledging the viewer. 

Interspersed within the greenery are the occasional stalk of brown shriveled leaves, a small reminder that the cycle of life is not an endless party. In this otherwise lighthearted celebration of beauty, we find these occasional reminders of mortality. In her left hand she holds the buds of new bloom. In her right hand she holds a dying branch.

Additionally, her figure is cropped tightly to the frame, showing just enough of the environment to provide the viewer with context. The composition is intended as a connection with the subject rather than a distant idyllic scene.

Her natural stance and easy demeanor is, upon reflection, too choreographed to be happenstance.

The eye is immediately directed at how she is precisely centered and framed by the foliage surrounding her. Her legs blend into the foliage, with the plants increasingly dense towards the ground to hide her feet. Above all, her natural figure is one with her natural surroundings. Being so at home in this environment, her demeanor seems as much animalistic as it is human.

The harmonious color profile emphasizes the picturesque mood of this scenic art nude. Her hair, as well as the golden hue of the foliage towering up on either side of her, gives this image an ethereal tint.

With her coy and cautious face, she is reminiscent of Venus, this time emerging from the undergrowth of a summer meadow. This figure is solitary, connecting directly with the plants within arms reach, although it is unclear if she is or is not blessing them with her touch. 

The golden lighting in this image is reminiscent of the hour before sunset, in which shadows have been elongated to emphasize the full growth of the foliage around the figure and the details within the scene. 

By presenting the subject material with a deep respect for natural beauty, the artist has transformed the natural environment into an ethereal landscape. This piece serves as a reminder that all natural things have innate – even god-like – beauty and are worthy of full and indiscriminate admiration.  

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