Thunderous Torrent

Edition of 6 ~ 25×25 inches


  • From a limited edition of 6 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 25×25 inches/64×64 cm
  • Paper: 27×27 inches/69×69 cm


This is an art photograph of a nude female in nature. The nude female form lies on a craggy ledge in front of a cascade of falling water. Sunlight outlines the top of her body while the rest of her is in cool shadow. Tiny slivers of reflective light hug the small of her back and her legs. Her hair falls languidly in undulating curls on the rocks, echoing the waterfall behind her. Her body is still, contrasting with the waterfall, blurred in rapid movement. Green shoots rise among the grey masses of stone.

Her pose and expression embody serenity. With eyes closed and shimmering body embracing the sun, even the deafening waterfall is incapable of disturbing her inner peace. Additionally, her pose speaks to female sensuality and the idyllic colors impart a fairytale quality.

She is a wilderness wanderer, stopping for rest. This is a moment of calm with no defined beginning or end. The water and the rocks take on a mythic quality. The image seems frozen in time, like a memory without context.

Spatially, the image deemphasizes depth. The composition exists mostly in two dimensions. The various areas of texture serve as graphical elements rather than defining dimension. The body, waterfall, and rocks inhabit a compressed reality.

The enormous waterfall dwarfs her iridescent body. She might become visually lost; blending into the tones of the rocks. However, she stands out because of the pearly highlights on the upper contours of her curves.

Visual contrasts characterize this art photograph of a nude female in nature. These include: her smooth form, the jagged rocks; her static body, the falling water; the various textures. Although the water is agitated, she is calm. The water’s vertical lines contrast the static, horizontal striations in the stone. Parts of life can move quickly and finding peace or fulfillment can depend on seemingly small decisions.

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