Palm Zebra 2/5

Edition of 5 ~ 27×40 inches


  • From a limited edition of 5 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 26.7×40 inches/68×102 cm
  • Paper: 28.7×42 inches/73×107 cm


Black-and-white art nude

A woman lays face down, wearing only shadows. A pattern of shadow in natural light cloaks her nude body. Her body is elongated and shapely. The technique is toned black-and-white art nude photography.

The stripes over her body create a zebra-like pattern. The alternating pattern of light and dark obscures the contours of her figure. Dots of light form a line down the center of the frond shadow that parallels her body. This line of dots resembles the vertebrae of a human spine.

She is mostly anonymous. Her face is obscured with shadow and her black hair fuses with the shadows. No distinguishing marks or unique characteristics are immediately evident.

This variation of black-and-white art nude photography employs a mix of cool and warm tones. Cool tones of bluish to purplish-gray inhabit the shadows. In contrast, the highlights are warmly golden. On the texture of the stone, this creates a patina effect. Within the body, the effect is to enhance the dimensionality. Warm tones tend to protrude to the viewer, while cooler ones recede. This follows the norms of atmospheric perspective.

The overall mood of this black-and-white art nude photography image is sensual but subtly so. The static pose is devoid of kinetic energy. The partly obscured body invites contemplation rather than overwhelming the viewer with sensation. Visible are her back, buttocks, arms, legs, and a portion of one breast. The arcs of the shadows define the form of her limbs and curves.

The image has a slightly retro, gritty feel to it. The texture of the skin mostly gives way to smooth areas of light and dark. Grains of sand on her back and lines in the palm of her hand are slightly visible. With the scale of this image, the emphasis is more on form rather than minute detail.

Diagonal lines create a degree of visual tension. The primary subject angles from the lower right to the upper left. Similarly, the seems of the tiles follow lines that are parallel and perpendicular to that line.



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