Reclining Morgan

Edition of 6 ~ 20×30 inches


  • From a limited edition of 6 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 20×30 inches/51×76 cm
  • Paper: 22×32 inches/56×81 cm


Automobile nude art

A burgundy red vintage automobile in this nude art photograph holds a woman who lies inverted in the driving seat. Her head and torso are at the same level. An arm trails out of the door opening and along the running. Her hair hangs out of the car, gleaming with accents of golden blonde. Her feet are raised into the top portion of the composition, creating some of the brightest parts on the image.

Her expression and posture show her to be lost in an intense moment mixing bliss with tension. One hand grips the steering wheel while the other hand limply unfolds, showing a transition from tension to letting go.

The steering wheel is made of wood and gray metal. The wood dash and instrument cluster continues this color scheme. Tan fabric upholsters the inside of the doors and foot wells. The retracted convertible top is covered with more tan material. The composition is dominated by these three colors families of reds, tans, and grays

In the rear hubcap, another nude, standing at a workbench, is reflected, revealing that this automobile is in a service shop. The color of the side of the car dips to a deep, rich red. The background, too, is an inky darkness. The human form seems to glow amongst this array of murky tones.


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