Fairly Tangled

Edition of 5 ~ 24×36 inches


  • From a limited edition of 5 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 24×36 inches/61×91 cm
  • Paper: 26×38 inches/66×97 cm


Black and white limited edition nude

In this black and white limited edition nude, a figure lays on the floor, wrapped in a jumble of rope. She seems self-entangled and content if not bemused by her situation. Her raised feet further display her enthrallment in participating in this charade. Her calves are bent over her upper legs. Her toes point toward the top and center of the frame.

Her head is lifted and she looks to the side, her face in full view. Several strands of cord run from left to right across her upper arm, then fan out and tangle along the side of her body. These lines create a jigsaw-puzzle like effect across her form. The rope forms a line from her raised toe to a hand holding it just above her head.

The protagonist’s eyes are fixed on the viewer; a signal of her mood. That she has to turn her eyes all the way to the side to look in the direction of the viewer underscores the deliberate nature of the act. Hair hangs on the far side of her head and frames her face on the other side. Sweeping strands cover one corner of her mouth and her chin.

Areas of tight texture in this image include strands of her dark hair and the weave of the rope. The rope is constructed of a tight weave of dark fibers. The pattern is uniform and consistent throughout the maze of rope.

The sparse composition of this black and white limited edition nude draws our attention to the centered figure and her whimsical predicament.


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