Three on Ford V8

Edition of 4 ~ 27×40 inches


  • From a limited edition of 4 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 26.7×40 inches/68×102 cm
  • Paper: 28.7×42 inches/73×107 cm


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Three nude women recline on a classic pickup truck. Collectors who buy oversize nudes will appreciate the details of this large scale black and white photograph. One woman hangs on each front fender, near each headlamp. A third reclines under the bumper and reaches up to the front suspension.

The overall symmetry of the image contrasts with the slight asymmetries of the antique car’s handmade chassis. For example, the sway bar between the front wheels does not form a perfect arc, and the lines of the grill are not completely straight.

Small touches of light glow on several regions of the image. The edge of the driver’s-side fender is one example. The blonde hair of the woman above catches the same illumination. A single side mirror twinkles against the dark background. Each piece of chrome glints, too.

The composition is rich with texture. The bumper and car panels contain cracks and flakes of paint. The rough and oil spotted floor has a distinct pattern. The tread of the tires repeat their zig-zig lines. These are all in contrast with the wandering lines of the tree branches.

The positioning of the figures is neither provocative nor modest. They portray sensuality with an ease that is as intriguing as it is carefree.

This vintage Ford pickup truck with a V8 engine is a bit of Americana. The classic curves of the front fender and grill, and the low roofline harken to a time of hot rod culture in America.



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