The Likeness of Julie 2/3

Edition of 3 ~ 36×24 inches


  • From a limited edition of 3 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 36×24 inches/91×61 cm
  • Paper: 38×26 inches/97×66 cm


Contemporary black and white nude

This contemporary black and white nude art photograph depicts a woman standing between two rows of trees. One hand touches her side and the other is raised to her forehead. The pose is deliberate and centered in the composition.

Her legs cross slightly from the calves down, but not in a display of modesty. If anything, it is to mock displays of modesty such as fig leaves in art nudes. This contemporary black and white nude is a frank presentation of the nude female form. However, the cropping is calculated; with ample area dedicated to the folleage, the unclothed body does not confront the viewer.

Oranges hang from the branches and lay on the ground. The manicured limbs and flat trail makes it evident this is an orchard. A finch is visible on a limb above and to the left of her head.

The trimmed tree tops form a “V” shape. This shape is echoed in each bent arm and the union at the top of her legs. Her legs themselves form a wedge that is reminiscent of the shape. An inverted “V” shape, subtle but distinct, exists between the grass line and the bottom of the trees.

The composition is dominated by the two dense areas of dark gray along either vertical. The bright female figure stands out against the darker vegetation around her. The oranges appear as bright spheres dotting the limbs of the trees.

With an overall image height of 36 inches/91 cm the figure is approximately 17 inches/44 cm tall.

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