
Edition of 6 ~ 20×30 inches


  • From a limited edition of 6 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 30×20 inches/76×51 cm
  • Paper: 32×22 inches/81×56 cm



Monochrome fine art nude

In this monochrome fine art nude, a nude figure is inverted, hanging from a rope like a pendant. This monochrome, fine art photograph crops closely around her body. Her hands clutch a doubled and knotted rope; she controls her pendulum. Her arms are perfectly straight, extending the strong, vertical line created by the rope down the image. The strands of the thick rope wrap tightly around her waist. Her legs are bent and curled down above her torso, pulled in just enough to make her hands visible. Her feet press against the rope above her nude figure. Near the bottom of the frame, her neck and chin extend toward the ground, which is just inches below her face. Her thick curls are loose and pool on the floor

Captured in a studio shot, she is suspended against a gentle, dark gray, gradient background. Her bright form stands out in the darkness. Subtle lighting emphasizes the tension in her arms and back, holding herself still and suspended. The light falls across the curvature of her nude flesh. It illuminates the rich texture of her glistening hair.

The rope is angled, implying motion in progress. Yet the image captures a moment of stillness, emphasized by the strong vertical line formed by the woman’s body and rope. This verticality is interrupted only by her hair gathered on the floor.

The subject appears tranquil, although the pose appears anything but comfortable. The profile of her face is barely visible and appears still and focused. She is in a circumstance of her own making that is at once tense and thrilling. Her fingers and toes curl, hinting at her emotion.

This monochrome fine art nude photograph forms a themed pair with the black and white nude “Counterpoise”, where the figure is inverted in the opposite direction. Another strong, vertical image, it is a counterpoint to this one, depicting a nude woman’s legs extending upward.


Aaron Knight



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