Shared Delight

Edition of 10 ~ 27×18 inches


  • From a limited edition of 10 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 27×18 inches/69×46 cm
  • Paper: 29×20 inches/74×51 cm


Nature art nude

A solitary figure is depicted in this nature art nude. This figure is centered in a field of foliage. She is facing forward, the scene is tightly cropped. With each hand she touches a flowering plant. Several more stalks appear near her, including some which overlap her body. Her torso faces the viewer but her attention is turned towards the flower in her left hand.

The light comes from above and behind the woman. The tops of her shoulders, arms, and chest are illuminated with shadows underneath. The edges of her arms and shoulders are rimmed in bright sunlight, helping define the contours of her body.

The vegetation is predominantly an intense sap green. The occasional brown stalks stand out sharply against these lush green surroundings. In the out-of-focus distance, the edge of the field gives way to a deep backdrop of dense trees. The background consists of multiple layers of depth, shape, and color. Each wave of horizontal vegetation blends into the next, receding into the distance, ending with the wall of trees.

The bright colors are accentuated by darkened areas that flank the figure at the lower corners and the dark band of green across the top. She stands off-center with one arm outstretched into the space to the right of her body.


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