
Edition of 4 ~ 27×40 inches


  • Numbered limited edition
  • Limit: 4 archival photographs
  • Signed by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 26.7×40 inches/68×102 cm
  • Paper: 28.7×42 inches/73×107 cm


Buy original black-and-white photography

Collectors buy original black-and-white photography that fits their art collection. Many art collectors look for an original artistic voice that speak through a recognizable style of black-and-white photography.

This image depicts two female figures, one near and one in the mid-ground between foreground and background. The nearer woman is shown from shoulder to elbow, with her side visible. A hint of chin appears just below the top edge of the frame. This closer figure is in sharp focus, although her face is omitted.

The woman in the midground is similarly obscured. Although her profile if visible, she is rendered moderately out of focus. Rather than pressed into the corner, this figure intersects only with the lower edge. She is depicted from the hips up, in an active stance. Her legs, arms, and torso show shifted weight and twisting. She appears in the process of moving, imparting a sense of an immediate history and future.

Both mysterious women are edge lit by dramatic light. A ball of light glows against an indistinct back wall. Bold swaths of dark grey and black define the forms of this black and white photograph.

You can collect black-and-white images like this one, or explore colorful nude art for something different.




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