Edge of Diversion

Edition of 4 ~ 27×40 inches


  • From a limited edition of 4 archival photographs
  • Signed by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 26.7×40 inches/68×102 cm
  • Paper: 28.7×42 inches/73×107 cm


When you collect black and white nudes, you probably are looking for photography that stands out. The distinctive features of this image include the distribution of shadow and light, the use of posture, and merging patterns.

Our protagonist lays on a pebbly, sunlight-dappled surface. This black and white photograph shows a nude woman on her stomach, bracing her body against the ground with her arms. Shadows from foliage criss-cross her body at the edge between sunlight and denser shadows. Most of her back is visible, as well as her face. Her gaze is directed downward and she stares intently.

The distribution of shadow and light places the bulk of dark tones in the background, near the top of the image. A diagonal division exists at the far edge of the subject’s body. She is bathed in sunlight, her body brighter than the other areas of the image.

Her posture, including her expression is calculated to draw intrigue. Her arms are folded, with her weight on her splayed fingers. It is ambiguous whether she is lifting herself up, has just lowered her body down, or is merely static. Her attention is focused on some unseen object or thought. Her eyes are dark slits, mysteriously hidden beneath sumptuous lashes. Around her neck is a necklace, the pendant, a hand of Fatima symbol, barely visible, lays on the ground in her shadow.

Patterns exist on varying overlaid scales in the image. Shadow patterns overlay the pattern of pebbles in the pavement. Points of light peak through the darkness at the top. The lower portion is predominantly light, with the pattern of foliage patterns laid over the top of it.

Relatively modest if you collect black and white nudes, this is part of the living room collection, ready to frame and hang in the front room of your home.


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