Joyful Spring 2/10

Edition of 10 ~ 24×16 inches


  • From a limited edition of 10 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 24×16 inches/61×41 cm
  • Paper: 26×18 inches/66×46 cm



This nude dance art photograph coveys more of a celebratory than a voyeuristic feeling. The contrast of hot and cold colors parallel the dichotomies between old and new as well as static and energetic in this urban figurative portrait. Her body contours are strikingly obvious in this graphical representation. The eye is immediately drawn to the woman exuding strength, energy, and joy. She dances amid almost dystopian urban decay.

Her exuberant, leaping figure is reflected in her shadow on the wall. This depicts wholeheartedly carefree enthusiasm. Long-forgotten oil-soaked slabs of asphalt are rediscovered and repurposed for a brief celebration.

The side view displays the athleticism of the figure in a non-provocative pose. Both of these factors are a nod to classical depictions of the nude. The objective is an aesthetic study of the body and display of enthusiasm for life. With her face obscured, she is somewhat anonymous, yet none of this feels bashful.

The motif of the image is kinetic energy. Even her hair bursts with power, emphasizing the force of her movement. Arms stretched into the air and legs bent beneath her underscore the height she has achieved in her leap. She stands out against the wall, which appears unusually flat in comparison. Even the vertical yellow post appears two-dimensional.

The colors are other-worldly, taking the nude dance art photograph into the realm of fantasy. The gold tones of the body go beyond natural colors created by a setting sun and bronze skin. The angles of the shadows enforce this feeling of late afternoon.



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