Paper Toss! 2/25

Edition of 25 ~ 16×11 inches


  • From a limited edition of 25 archival photographs
  • Signed and numbered by artist Aaron Knight
  • Image: 16×11 inches/41×28 cm
  • Paper: 18×13 inches/46×33 cm



Urban exploration art nude photograph

In this surreal photograph, Emily poses in front of a desk that is a relic of decades gone by. This is an urban exploration art nude photograph. The filth is punctuated by an ashtray and cigarette packages, adding a particularly vile connotation. Our protagonist throws a multitude of papers in the air in a defiant expression of vibrance amidst the sinister atmosphere of rust, decay, and grime. The shadowy-blue glass blocks lining the wall behind her complement her brilliant golden hair and the old, yellowing sheets of paper fluttering through the air toward the viewer.

Each sheet of paper is a rectangle, echoing numerous rectangles appearing in the image. The fluttering papers are rectangles freed from structure. The varying scale of the papers emphasizes the feeling of depth, with some sheets close and others far. The identical drawers, one near and the other far, on either side of her legs, serve the same purpose. The converging lines of the window panes bring a sense of perspective that echos the grid of concrete blocks in the wall behind her.

The color scheme of the image pits warm earthy yellows and pinks against cool blue-greens and grays. Although the foreground colors are not particularly intense, their impact is amplified by comparison to the muted tones surrounding them.

To create this “urbex” (urban exploration) art nude photograph, the artist received permission to enter an abandoned portion of a former US Navy base. There is something seductive about abandoned places. They connect the viewer to the past, reminding them of change, and challenge the idea of permanency. The textures and forms that one can discover through urban exploration offer intriguing combinations and contrasts to the female form.

This building will not look as it did for much longer. With real estate at a premium, old buildings, temporarily forgotten, are being renovated into commercial and manufacturing spaces.

Check out the black-and-white nude photograph or the affordable art photography listed below.


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