Buying Your First Fine Art Nude

How do you buy fine art nudes? How do you choose your first limited edition nude photograph? Learn what to look for, how to budget, and consider how to discuss art with the people in your life.

Art is a rite of passage

Starting a permanent art collection is a milestone of adulthood. Establishing your personal style and developing a passion for collecting can be a daunting hurdle for the uninitiated. This is especially true if you plan to buy fine art nude photography, but are not sure where to start.

The first major milestone in most adult lives is your first real home, whether rented or owned. You will cultivate this space according to your own aesthetic. It's no coincidence that the next milestone may be your first piece of real artwork; one signed by the artist, purchased directly from the artist.

Hanging original art is in a different league than decorating with mass-produced images from a chain store. Nothing equals the feeling of personal connection with the artwork, subject, and artist, that can outlast other attachments in your life. When you buy fine art nudes, this act expresses your distinction from the masses.

You've progressed from young adult, to homeowner, to art collector. Enhancing your home with art is an essential part of personalizing your domestic life and expressing your individuality. Once you open the first chapter of art collecting it becomes a fulfilling lifelong passion.

Buy fine art nudes directly from the artist's studio

Buy fine art nudes you love

The urge to collect art is more intimate and enigmatic than most human desires. Art collectors find their pursuit rewarding, and some find it therapeutic. Let your gut feeling guide you, not what you think might go up in value. Buy art that reflects your personal style; should it blend into the background or create an unforgettable viewing experience?

Learn a little about the artist first. Why does the artist create and what is their process?  Ask yourself, “how skilled is this artist and how distinctive is their style?” Do you identify with the subject matter?

Read art magazines or browse online to solidify ideas of what art you like. With Aaron Knight’s style in particular, collectors say that love at first sight can be clear. When you see the right piece the immediate answer is, "yes, I want to live with that."

If you're waffling over buying a particular fine art nude, ask yourself how you will feel in two years if you settle for something less desirable or if you pass altogether. Trust your instincts; will you look back later and regret the missed opportunity? That said, don't settle for a forgettable image that you feel simply fills an empty space on a wall.

Original Nude Photograph: Becca Getting out of Nikki's Pool

Collaborate with your spouse or partner. Limit the opinion pool to simply those who live in your home. When you buy fine art nudes, you may or may not have a specific location to hang the piece after its framed. You might also decide to hang the art in a room that is dedicated to you! Some couples designate his, her*, and shared spaces, leaving each partner a space that is theirs to decorate.

(* or other combinations of course!)

It is not always essential to know exactly where you are going to put the art. The art will stay with you when you move and may grace the walls of many homes in the future. When you arrive home, whether weary from a laborious day or with friends and in a festive mood, you want to be greeted by distinctive artwork that sets a satisfying tone in every room.

How much to spend on art

The role that art plays in your life and your financial perspective on artwork is personal. In the long run, you'll be happier with fewer, nicer pieces than settling for your second choice and buying often.

Allow leeway in your budget to accumulate additional pieces periodically. Don’t skimp on a piece you adore, but also don’t spend so much that you have to put collecting on a lengthy hold.

Don't buy something you don't love just because you can't afford the one you really want. You will be happier by saving until you can afford an artwork you love. If you are planning a new home, buy pieces that are large enough for it.

If you have limited finances, start with small pieces before you buy fine art nudes that are larger. But remember that artwork is an acquisition that you can expect to hold for decades.

Also remember to allow for framing costs or invest in storage.

For many collectors, art purchases for their home are priced similarly to other long-term acquisitions such as a fine suit, dress, or a piece of furniture. Some perennial collectors use one to one and a half times their monthly mortgage payment or rent as a guide for their annual art budget. Some all-at-once art buyers cap their interior design budget at around 10% of the home value.

Artist with artwork

About buying art photography

Photography is a wonderful way to begin an art collection or add to it. Always insist on fully archival materials, both from the artists and from your framers. A certificate of authenticity is important in establishing the provenance of an artwork, and stays with it if you sell it (along with a bill of sale to the new owner.)

The advantage when you buy fine art nude photography online is the ability to reach artists who are very far away. Photography lends itself well to online purchases due to the consistent nature of the surface and the ease with which it can be displayed on a screen.

Buying fine art nude photography can add diversity to a collection dominated by paintings and drawings, or you can concentrate on curating chiefly photographic pieces.